Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Rant

Bat companies such as Easton and Louisville Slugger want you to buy there $350 aluminum bats no matter the danger. As long as aluminum bats are not banned they will still make them, still try to improve them, and still try to make more money. It will seriously take a rapid increase in injuries and deaths before someone high in power stands up and puts their foot down. But why let it get to that point where kids a dying and getting seriously injuried? At this rate the speed off the bat will easily begin to eclipse a point in which a normal person will have only microseconds to react. kids have been sent into comas, left with brain damage, and ultimately die a slow painful death just from playing a game that they love. Personally I've been hit three times in my life, twice off of aluminum and once off a wooden bat, and all three times were in the leg. The two times off of the aluminum bat I was hit in the portion of my legthat didn't cause as much pain and the ball off of the wooden bat hit me square in the shin. I can only imagine the pain that comes with getting a ball hit off of your face. Hopefully bat companies step up to the plate sooner rather than latter and try and fix what can potentially be a more deadly sport than football, which is a full contact sport.

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